Párhuzamos Kronológiák / Parallel Chronologies


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tranzit is a contemporary art program supported by the Erste Bank Group

The exhibition Parallel Chronologies and the symposium The Invisible History of Exhibitions is part of the international project Art Always Has Its Consequences co-financed by the Culture 2007 program of the European Union (partners: WHW Zagreb, tranzit. hu, Muzeum Sztuki Łódź, Novi Sad).

János Fodor, artist born in 1975


Since I was born in 1975, I could only have a poor picture of the period from sources caught in the filter of art history, or from spoken historical recollections. Among others, this recognition has prompted the joint video work I have made with Tibor Horváth(on collections of artists); nevertheless, we know that the victors write history, which means that it is unnecessary to research that which everyone knows, but what should be researched is what no one knows (myself included). With this, I do not mean to suggest an erroneous concept according to which research of curiosities would be desirable, but it would certainly be worth searching among the personal acquaintances of the era (the list of names is good). However, only their dropped remarks could be telling, since: personal reports distort and suppress according to their own interests while historical views that are distorted and suppressed according to a historical interest.
To sum up, I think you need to have the players of the era speak, not me, since you know everything that I could possibly know, and most probably much more. I wish you much success in your serious endeavour: it’s great that finally someone is seriously dealing with the question. This is truly the last minute, because even if enough time has passed for comparisons, it is still not needed to go to the historical archives for every single piece of data.

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